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Jenny Kitzinger discusses the role of the family in serious medical treatment decisions
Jenny KitzingerBBCNews
Online support for coma patient decision makers | Celebrating Impact
Celia and Jenny Kitzinger
Innovation Policy Award 2015
ESRC Celebrating Impact Prize finalist – Jenny Kitzinger and Celia Kitzinger
Consciousness and Coma: explorations through art and social research
RSM In Conversation Live with Professor Celia Kitzinger
Celia Kitzinger & Jenny Kitzinger "Coma, Consciousness, and Culture"
'Before I Die' festival #DyingMatters #DyingAwarenessWeek
Advance Decisions, Advance Statements, & End of Life Choices in England & Wales | Celia Kitzinger
The Curious Case Manager episode 3: Celia Kitzinger